Friday, September 10, 2010


I don't like making decisions. Not even a little bit. Which means, the hardest challenge I've had to deal with in this homeschooling process is deciding on a curriculum to use. I had not realized there were so many choices! When I first started looking, I was excited! I had a good sense of the teaching style I preferred and even the learning style that Lucas seemed to be developing.

I think that a teacher is there to guide the student in his/her learning. Every human being has interests in something. Our curiosity is very strong, unless quashed. A child can learn anything and everything, if guided along the path. This is definitely true about Lucas. He isn't curious about everything but he is very curious about the things that make him think. He has an incredible memory that could take him to Mars, if he still wants, in twenty years. However, that same memory can also causes him to be lazy about topics that don't instantly latch on to his brain. See, I know myself and my child! My dislike of making decisions led me to put off making this important choice but at least I wasn't lost! Right?

Well, I was wrong. There were so many options that when I, sincerely, began the search, I was lost. Do I jump in and buy a huge curriculum? Do I pick out pieces of different ones? Do I pick nothing and just base it on what interests us at the time and find it online? On top of that, it felt as if every curriculum I encountered involved reading passages from the bible. I understand and accept that most homeschooling families are religious. The religion being included in the curriculum brought back memories of searching for private schools. I like the academics, I like the teachings, I like the people but the curriculum just isn't right for our family.

Of course, I couldn't just hide in the corner. That's the horrible side effect of being a mom. Then one night, while I braved the search again, I ran across It is an online course for pre-K through 8th grade. They create lesson plans for the parent. The child follows the lesson plans on the computer. It keeps track of the student's progress. It sounded good and awful all at the same time.

So there is something else I need to note about Lucas, he LOVES doing things on the computer. He loves video games. He loves technology. Then, there is something that I probably shouldn't note about me, I'm lazy and unorganized.

That said, the best reviews I found about time4learning mentioned how their children stayed interested because it was interactive and different. Parents commented on how simple time4learning makes it for parents to keep organized. Was it really this simple? I just pick a program because it does the work for me and Lucas gets to play games??

Then I remembered, I'm the parent and the teacher. I get to choose. I get to try out anything I want. Which means, I also get to change anything I want. So, why not!? We would try it out. They have no contracts and no obligations, just a monthly charge, which is cheaper than any private school. I could take this program and supplement it based on Lucas' interests and my experience as a teacher. We would need manipulatives for math, projects or art & science, paper for handwriting, books for literature and social studies. Now, my mind is racing! Decision has been made and I'm starting to become terrified, yet excited!

Excited is a great way for a teacher to feel at the beginning of the year. Lucas has even gotten more excited as his playroom becomes a classroom.  We were also lucky enough to have a friend lend us her K12 program to help supplement! (Thank you!!) We have one last weekend before Lucas starts Kindergarten. Honestly, we don't have everything ready, but we're getting there. We do have have a mommy and a son who are ready to put on our teacher and student costumes. He is eager to learn and I am ready to guide.

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